Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Culture Identitiesââ¬Free Samples
Question: How To Torres Strait Islander Culture Identities? Answer: Introducation Native and Islander Strait individuals of Australia have particular character, social customs and histories(Nakata M. , 2007). The extent of the present writing audit examines their starting point alongside their particular social personalities, which isolates them from the remainder of the group. These individuals structure the principal occupants of Australia dependent on skin shading or level of Aboriginal blood in them. Central Government in Australia characterizes Aboriginals just like those of Aboriginal drop and is acknowledged by a similar network. Native originates from different countries with their own particular dialects, customs with chronicles connected to territory Australia. It incorporates individuals living across different areas in Australia and seaward islands. Indigenous is a term that is utilized for Aboriginal just as Torres Strait individuals, it has advanced through worldwide laws(Gray, 2008). They are basically occupant of Australia, of the whole topographic al region having comparative societies and ethnicity. These individuals have had the option to hold their social, social, political, social and financial attributes. Native and Islander Strait individuals are spread out all through the whole geology of Australia. Until date this class of individuals had been overlooked by the legislature and different bodies. As of not long ago the administration chose to stretch out comparable advantages to them by orchestrating additional subsidizing. Different extra projects have been presented for Aboriginal and Islander waterway individuals to such an extent that they can profit socially just as economically(Bauman, 2007). They are the most impeded gathering in Australia henceforth, programs focusing on explicit necessities of these individuals should be created. Adaptable preparing, work opportunity age programs, cost free clinical administrations and different plans have been presented to such an extent that they can come at standard with res t of the Australian people group. All together that disadvantageous Indigenous individuals can come at standard with rest of the populace a few investigation, studies and research programs has been created. Such estimates target improvement of standard administrations to indigenous populace. For raising degrees of such portions of the populace, broad pressure has been given in education(Devlin, 2009). Open use for Indigenous gathering is 18% more contrasted with others matured 3-24 years. Such training are implied at elevating their social personalities by amalgamation of their well established strategies with those that can produce work. Huge weight is put on rudimentary degrees of instruction just as those in their last tutoring years with the end goal that they can undoubtedly access the business. Particularly in mining focuses in Australia where there has been age old clashes that wrecked their crafts and antiques, school are meaning to extension such gaps(Gilroy, 2009). Different organizations through their corp orate social duty attempt are intending to connect holes and make an environment of congruity to such an extent that common advantage can be picked up. Wellbeing among Aboriginals and Torres Strait individuals reflects poor cleanliness and absence of legitimate access to wellbeing comforts. High number of unexpected losses combined with low birth loads, demise without treatment are some normal viewpoints among indigenous individuals. Government alongside private bodies have focused on social insurance offices for indigenous individuals which have ascended by 16% per individual in the ongoing time frame contrasted with the past(Kowal, 2008). Because of low degrees of pay winning for Aboriginals, expenses of conveying medicinal services administrations to remote networks have been diminished. An extra spending on human services on Aboriginals is to bring their guidelines up in medicinal services rehearses, and furthermore for assessing additional social insurance necessities they need. Government for giving evenhanded dissemination of every fundamental assistance have made the ATSIC, which is a truncated structure for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission. This organization was created and made to make programs for indigenous individuals, screen legislative offices and guidance country, areas and nearby administrative bodies on indigenous issues(, Retrieved on eleventh August 2017). Indigenous personality is made and formed by factions and clans which is intricate in nature. They have a deep rooted social history on the planet that goes back to 65,000 years. Such long haul endurance of culture of Aboriginals mirror their capacity to adjust and change with time to the encompassing. Their way of life and characters are passed starting with one age then onto the next. In Australia they protect their social legacy by passing information, ceremonies, workmanship and exhibitions from an age to another. Indigenous in Australia are semi-itinerant i n nature, who are essentially trackers, who had separate tribes specifically region. Their factions were set apart by streams, lakes, mountains and other topographical limits. Fundamentally Aboriginals in Australia distinguish themselves by checking them in a specific geological land or region. They interrelate such grounds through religion, family, service, expressions and sports, thus such families totaling to 600 unique tribes. Every single tribe had their own specific conviction and information framework that they picked up from their condition. Inside every tribe was specific connections dependent on duties or jobs of them(, Retrieved on 11st August 2017). Such connection characterized a people presence and had certain commitments joined to them, which characterized their arrangement of laws. Indigenous had dialects isolated from each other characterized Accounting to their topographical areas. Every family had built up their particular apparatuses and strategies that was utilized in chasing, which is another basic piece of their strict characters. Aboriginals had built up a few sorts of instruments as scrubbers, blades, lances, hatchet heads, burrowing sticks, etc. Stately exhibitions is another indispensable apparatus of the Aboriginals that incorporated a few exhibitions of music, routine. Functions have been viewed as the way in to their social characters, whereby they enliven their bodies and make execution explicit to their families. Music, routine despite everything keeps on being a necessary part of indigenous lives, which shapes a piece of their clients. Each event of theirs had explicit tunes, music and move, such functions frequently had trade of merchandise also. Food was incorporated as a piece of such social gatherings(Vos, 2009). Indigenous Australian had high caliber of visual expressions that reflects wealth and decent variety of their way of life. Expressions, antiques are particular in every faction that reflects distinctive language, clan, lingo, geographic scene, etc. The acclaimed speck painting that developed during the 1970s is viewed as one of the best craftsmanship developments from the indigenous individuals and in twentieth century. While such social characters of Aboriginal individuals stays, there has been monstrous endeavors made by nearby network and the administration to connect any current holes. Holes staying among indigenous and non-indigenous individuals have prompted rising clashes among them. In spite of the fact that there are a few undertakings made by administrative just as non-legislative offices, holes still remains(, Retrieved on eleventh August 2017). Globalization has presented contemporary issues for indigenous individuals that incorporates racial separations, ac cess to wellbeing administrations, unforeseen weakness, work levels, loss of conventional dialects, instruction, social endurance and Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights (IIPR). Globalization requires a tranquil conjunction in various condition, henceforth sees with respect to national character should be changed. There should be a view made with the end goal that Australian and indigenous individuals can exists amicably by valuing every others perspective. Congruity can be made by showing of decent variety in all parts of social circle. Broad industrialisation, extraction of mineral assets, urbanization of land have driven indigenous individuals to make a different social layer for themselves(Watson, 2007). Some indigenous individuals have balanced and adjusted to contemporary lifestyles by appreciating the two styles equal premise, while others have not had the option to do as such. Significant test have ascended as Australian neglect to recognize verifiable and legacy commitm ent of indigenous individuals. Australians have been disregarding presence and before occupation by indigenous individuals. Appearance of British further prompted sway on indigenous individuals prompting their dismissal by the general public. Aboriginals despite everything stay unapproachable from urban communities limited in edges. A few issues of information and character of Aboriginals have frequently been denied to them. Despite the fact that there are countless Aboriginals yet there are no proper legislative insights to show their absolute figures. Such has sway execution of government al approaches, barring them from their privileges to guarantee. Native the travel industry is as of late developing as an industry that incorporates assorted variety visits that mirror their social identity(Nakata M. N., 2012). Aboriginals has been till date ready to save their social characters, conviction frameworks, social or family relationship, social practices, structures, connections to ex plicit land territory, etc. In this manner, with legislative guide value among Aboriginals and Australians can without much of a stretch be upgraded. Reference Lists (Recovered on eleventh August 2017). Native and Indigenous Australians. about/moral research. Bauman, T. . 2007. Indigenous associations in secured territory the executives in Australia: three contextual analyses. . Canberra: Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies., 95-114. Devlin, M. 2009. Indigenous advanced education understudy value: Focusing on what works. . The Australian Journal of Indigenous Educatio
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Books Are Not Data
Books Are Not Data You might have come across a recent article by Joshua Rothman in The New Yorker entitled An Attempt to Discover the Laws of Literature, and you might have thought, huh, the laws of literature? As in, the laws of physics? Yeah, well, Im standing up on my soapbox and saying, hey, books are NOT data, theyre books. Now, this article stirred up lots of feelings latent in my brain since I left academia several years ago. I was a literary studies grad student at a time of flux, when close reading was falling out of fashion, distant reading was a hot new phrase, and the next big Theory of Reading was still on the horizon. And lil ol me, I was just sitting there in seminars and lectures thinking, what about just reading? Whats wrong with that? So what was this article that got my hackles up? Well, it focuses on the work of noted Italian literary scholar and Stanford Professor Franco Moretti, the father of Distant Reading. Listen, do you remember when your English professor gave you an Emily Dickinson poem and told you to dissect it like it was a bug, considering each word and rhyme in order to understand the poems meaning? Well, that, of course, was close reading. Moretti wants you to gain some perspective and, you know, get as far away from that poem as you possibly can, preferably as far as the next galaxy. That way, youll have a better understanding of the arc of literature, i.e. distant reading. As Rothman explains, The basic idea in Morettis work is that, if you really want to understand literature, you cant just read a few books or poems over and overInstead, you have to work with hundreds or even thousands of texts at a time. By turning those books into data, and analyzing that data, you can discover facts about literature in generalthese types of analysescan show us the forest rather than the trees. Ok, ok, STOP. Now, Rothman acknowledges that while he may not subscribe to Morettis thinking concerning reading, he does appreciate the spirit of the enterprise because it forces literary people to think outside of the box and acknowledge all of the books that they will never and can never read. But books, my friends, books are still not data. Long ago, we stopped being able to read all that there was to read in the world, and the Earth kept spinning. We had to admit that our lifespans simply didnt allow us to read (or do) all the things we wished we could. And that is why this little thing called CHOICE was invented. You have the right to choose what you want to read (literary fiction, histories, biographies, science fiction, romance, poetry, essays, etc. etc. etc.) and each book will inevitably lead you to another. Another way to think about this is to look back at those Book Riot posts about diversity in reading (for instance, this one.) Ultimately, you must choose to read books written by people who dont look like you or think like you. The choice itself is a reflection of your desire to branch out, learn about other cultures, wrap your brain around new ways of thinking. The choice itself is a major step. But figuratively pouring mass quantities of books into a big computer and figuring out the average title length in the 19th century or the average number of words in 18th-century novels is not reading- and seems to belittle books, to me. Now, I know it sounds like Im comparing apples and oranges, but still. Were still talking about the worlds and words that change us for the better. Now, I heard Moretti speak on the campus of UW-Madison several years ago, and I was charmed. This dude is just so darn charming. And smart. And suave. But as I looked at his charts and listened to his analysis, I felt chilled. His work was interesting, but his data told me nothing about the books themselves. For me, distant reading, like close reading and all the other critical theories that offer us different ways in to books, is just another theory of reading. But what Ive realized, after reaching the other side of academia and launching back into reading for the fun of it, is that only you can decide how you appreciate reading. Ultimately, though, reading is the act of running your eyes across the page and processing the words into images, sounds, feelings, and ideas. We talk to each other about books, we read passages out loud to one another. We lovingly arrange books on shelves or in piles. We download hundreds of them onto our devices. And we immerse ourselves in the stories they tell. So dont talk to me about data, Franco, my dear. I simply dont want to hear about it. Im busy reading.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Iphone 6 And Ipad 6 - 1675 Words
Introduction For many years, people have been waiting in anticipation for the opportunity to use mobile payment as the everyday way to pay for merchandise. As of late this anticipation has grown because on of the largest producers of smartphones are integrated the technology to do so in its newest phone release the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus. Apple has one of the largest market shares of smartphone users standing at a market share of 41.3% in the three months ending in January 2015 according to Jason Hahn. With this release the mobile payment buzz truly took off. Since this release many companies had started offering pay stations that allow for this type of payment method to be accepted. As a result, it is not a surprise to anyone that many of the largest well known companies such as Visa, MasterCard, ATT, and Verizon have increased their mobile application presence. Few companies in the world today achieve the success Apple has earned over the last couple of decades. Apple was founded by co-founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976 in Cupertino, California, in which both men dropped out of Reed College and UC Berkeley respectively. The year prior, the two men had teamed up to create 50-100 of the first Apple computers. Since that time, Apple has risen to become one of the most innovative and successful companies in the world today. In terms of profit, Apple, Inc. enjoys large profits every year. In addition to that, in January of 2015, it was reported byShow MoreRelatedThe Iphone 6 And The Ipad 6925 Words à |à 4 Pagesentertainment and much more. September 2014, Apple CEO Tim Cook released two new, advanced smartphones, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Apple fanatics, including myself, had been anticipating the launch of the new phones for months. Several hardcore fanatics even lined up outside of Apple stores across the nation anxious to hold Appleââ¬â¢s latest release in their hands. [Appleââ¬â¢s iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, both sma rtphones with advanced computing capability, seem very similar; however, the two differRead MoreIphone ( Iphone 6 And Ipad 61546 Words à |à 7 Pagesknow of Apple iPhones and one of the most anticipated release of the company was last week. Apple, announced that they are releasing two new version of the iPhone (iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus) on September 12th, 2014 and was available in nine countries (U.S., UK, Germany, Canada, France, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan) on September 19th, 2014. They estimate that by the end of this year the new iPhones will be available in 115 markets around the world. The prices of the iPhone 6 ranges fromRead MoreStrategic Analysis Of Iphone 6 And Ipad 61237 Words à |à 5 PagesStrategic Analysis of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus Background Company Overview Apple, Inc. is a multinational company of American origin that majors in the design, manufacture, and marketing of personal computers, portable digital music players, and mobile communication and media devices (Reuters, 2017). The company also sells a range of related software, accessories, services, networking solutions, and third-party digital content and applications. Apple, Inc. operates in different segments namelyRead MoreIphones : Iphones. Iphone818 Words à |à 4 PagesiPhones IPhone iPhone iPhones! These are well known huge sellers on the platform. I know sellers that literally make a living only selling iphones on ebay. The great aspect of iphones is that they sell for the market price rather than a discount like most items on eBay. The best iPhone to sell are iPhone 4sââ¬â¢ and up. However, some iPhone can sell for insane amounts of cash. For example Used iPhone 6ââ¬â¢s Gold versions can sell for $15,000 and the iPhone 6 Silver sell for close to $3,000. Iphones withRead MoreWhat Makes Apple Products?1589 Words à |à 7 Pagesbeen expanding their empire by introducing a range of new technology, such as iPhones and iPads, to its consumers. Just in the past year of 2014, Apple Incorporated had released their newest iPhones, the 6 and the 6 Plus. Even though the release of these phones took place in mid September, the sales of these phones nearly broke sales records, reaching to approximately $42 billion in revenues for Apple (Apple Library à iPhone 6). The big question is, how has Apple come up with such a large revenue inRead MoreApple : A Fine Grained Job1384 Words à |à 6 Pagesexample, Apple launched their iPhone 6 and their iPhone 6 Plus, which is a little bigger than the iPhone 6. If a customer buys an iPhone 6 Plus rather than the smaller iPhone 6, Apple makes an extra $84.50. The bigger screen and battery in the iPhone 6 Plus, plus a few other more marginal costs, put an additional $15.50 to the cost of manufacturing the iPhone 6 Plus, but Apple is charging upwards of $100 more for this phone. The two characteristics of the iPhone 6 Plus which rise the cost to produceRead MoreThe Mobile Operating System And How It Is Different From Desktop Operating Systems Essay1444 Words à |à 6 PagesAbstract iOS is a mobile operating system designed by Apple Inc. to support Apple devices such as iPhone, iPad, and iPod. iOS provides various features including security and inbuilt iCloud. In this research paper, we are going to study the overview of the mobile operating system and how it is different from desktop operating system. Then, we are going to explore iOS operating system on various bases such as different layers of iOS, iDevices, its features, security and its limitations. IntroductionRead MoreApple Inc : An American Multinational Technology Company995 Words à |à 4 PagesApple Inc. is an American multinational technology Company, which have their headquarters in California, and they are developing, designs, and sells customer sure as, iPads, iPod, computer software, mobile phones, OS X and iOS operating systems, Mac App Store, iCloud the Safari web browser, and the iTunes media player. Also, Apple Inc. is one of the largest information technology companies out there right now and they are the largest company in the revenue too. Also, they are the largestRead MoreThe Real Cost Of An Apple Iphone1301 Words à |à 6 Pagesreal cost of an Apple iPhone is more than most young-people earn in a month. Apple has contracted with several service providers to offer two-year contracts to their customers so that the real cost is affordable, but keeping the cost down is still prohibitive. In an article by Sam Costello he writes, ââ¬Å"If you donââ¬â¢t have a provider contract to subsidize your iPhone then expect to pay $649, $749, or $849.â⬠Though there are other less expensive cell phones on the market, the iPhone is a brand that a majorityRead MoreFinding s From The Most 10 K S1349 Words à |à 6 Pagescompetitors sell. Apple paid a total of $6 billion for this yearââ¬â¢s research and development to have the upper hand on new technologyââ¬â¢s and better products. Just last quarter in 2014, the Company introduced many new products like the, iPad Air, its fifth generation iPad and i Pad mini with Retina display. Apple also announced there release of the iOS 8 and OS X Yosemite at the Worldwide Developer Conference in June 2014. In September 2014, the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and Apple pay were introduced. Then
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gender Roles And Gender Stereotypes - 1856 Words
Running head: Gender roles and gender stereotypes 1 Gender roles and gender stereotypes 8 Gender Roles and Gender Stereotypes Bitavina Shanmugalingam Ryerson University The word ââ¬Å"genderâ⬠refers to the roles in which society allots for those using ââ¬Å"sexâ⬠, individualsââ¬â¢ physical characteristics, as a defining principle for separating roles (Gender, n.d.). The roles in which genders are assigned can come with discrimination, due to the individualsââ¬â¢ sex, as well as stereotypes, such as the defined traditional jobs for each sex (Sex, n.d.). Imagine being a female and subjected to gender role discrimination and stereotypical judgements regularly. Women have been attaining well positions in various industries, however, very fewâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Deeply rooted within cultures across the globe, masculinity is associated with strength, dominance, emotionally controlled and the breadwinners for the family, whereas women are viewed as the more vulnerable sex associated with characteristics of nurture, care and subordination. Gender roles are created, reinforced, maintained and normalized through the exposure of ou tlets such as education, family, etc. Continuous exposure of these factors overtime creates a societal ordered role rather than a self-constructed role. Despite women making presence in the workforce since decades ago there are still factors that make women appear to be less intelligent than men. One factor is the physical appearance of a woman, per Kiprotich and Changââ¬â¢orok (2015) examples of women whom are considered to be ââ¬Ëunintelligentââ¬â¢ are those women with blonde hair as they cannot complete given tasks and are more interested in having sexual relations with higher authorities to get promotions (p. 3). Stereotyping women often leads to a form of discrimination, such as decreased amount of promotions, decreased pay, and the possibility of increased sexual harassments (Kiprotich Changââ¬â¢orok, 2015, p.3). When analyzing this issue in the structural functionalist perspective, gender roles arise from the need to establish a division of work so the dynamics o f a familyShow MoreRelatedGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles Essay1415 Words à |à 6 PagesRoles are often assigned to boys and girls in accordance with the sex assigned at birth. We refer to these as gender roles. Gender roles begin to be imposed as early as birth. The nursery in the hospital assigns either a blue name plate for a boy or a pink name plate for a girl. These roles are continuously reinforced by family. Children learn at an early age that boys and girls are different. Children observe gender roles and in many cases these roles are eventually accepted as an unquestionableRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Stereotypes Essay1449 Words à |à 6 PagesProspectus: Gender roles and gender stereotypes in advertising My position: I believe advertisements that reinforce female gender roles and stereotypes are damaging to society. 2. Non-favorable Incidents: The examination of the ââ¬Å"Victoriaââ¬â¢s Secretâ⬠ad for a line of undergarments labeled ââ¬Å"The Showstopper.â⬠The headline is ââ¬Å"Show nothing but your shape,â⬠and the image is a thin woman with big breasts staring seductively. The image clearly sets a tone that this is what is a stand of ideal beauty. AndRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles954 Words à |à 4 Pages Gender can be a hot topic within cultures; a male or female does not want to be told that they can or cannot do something based on their gender. Every culture views gender roles differently, and some cultures are more serious about gender than others. Many times, male and female actions are determined by what a person has been taught is right; furthermore, gender roles are a set of societal norms that are the behaviors that a sex is generally known to do and what is considered accepted of a personRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles1241 Words à |à 5 PagesWe will never be able to control how gender stereotypes are formed. Gender roles were naturally created as a result of human evolution and the different modes of living that were adopted by humans. Humans, however remain the driving force behind reinforcing gender roles and stereotypes with different mediums. Such as television, art, and writing. In order to understand how gender is portrayed in contemporary American comedy this paper will analyze the characters from the television show, Itââ¬â¢s AlwaysRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles1261 Words à |à 6 Pagesbeen expected to act a certain way depending on their sex. These societal expectations are called gender roles. (Rathus, 2010, p.447). These roles begin to develop even before a child is even out of the womb. A mother may decorate their nursery pink if they are having a daughter because ââ¬Å"girls like pink,â⬠and ââ¬Å"boys like blue.â⬠Gender roles should not be confused with gender stereotypes. A gender stereoty pe is a narrow way of thinking about how men and woman are obligated to behave. For example, men haveRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Stereotypes1102 Words à |à 5 PagesDefined Gender Roles Creating a Lack of Reality in Childrenââ¬â¢s Literature Distinction is a concept that is learned at a very young age. It is used as a tool to distinguish between race, religion, language, age and especially gender. Where certain topics regarding race and religion may be considered more taboo, the definition of gender is always open for discussion but it is not always depicted in all forms of the word. Children can feel isolated if they cannot relate to individuals they look up toRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles1246 Words à |à 5 PagesGender roles are defined as the ââ¬Å"widely accepted societal expectations about how males and females should behaveâ⬠(Rathus, 2010). From gender roles, we, the people of society, are able to determine whether someone identifies as a male or a female. Both biological and social factors tend to determine what gender roles a person takes on. However, there are also gender stereotypes, which are ââ¬Å"the fixed and oversimplified beliefs about the ways in which men and women ought to beha veâ⬠(Rathus, 2010).Read MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles1389 Words à |à 6 PagesGender roles are set of societal norms dictating the types of behavior which are genrally considered acceptable , appropriate for people based on their actual or perceived sex or sexuality. Gender roles are also determined by the prevailing cultural norms. The attitudes and expectations surrounding gender roles are not typically based on any inherent or natural gender differences, but on gender stereotypes, or oversimplified notions about the attitudes, traits, and behavior patterns of males andRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles1845 Words à |à 8 PagesTimes have changed; gender roles are no longer clearly defined Traditionally, gender has been defined as the state of being male or female but, recently society has begun to understand that gender is not the biological sex that you were born with but how you identify and express yourself. A persons gender can be male, female, neither, both or something completely different. People tend to see gender as black or white, or a box you can tick but gender does not have to conform to what our modern societyRead MoreGender Stereotypes And Gender Roles1076 Words à |à 5 PagesGender stereotypes and gender roles are a largely contested issue in the modern world. Countries around the world have very different gender norms, though there are some recurrent patterns between many cultures. For most recurrent patterns there is a culture who does not abide by those gender norms. There is typically many good reasons for each recurrent pattern that makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint. There is also a significant difference in the way men and women are t reated. This is caused
ââ¬ÅWhat I Saw and How I Liedââ¬Â Free Essays
Why do we go through love, deceit, the pains of growing up, and figuring out who we are? The four things I have listed are not only themes in the book ââ¬Å"What I Saw and How I Liedâ⬠by Judy Blundell, but some basic parts of life. Love is a complicated feeling, not only for you and the person youââ¬â¢re in love with but the people around you. Sometimes when you are in love with somebody, not everyone approves, and that brings complication because you want to be in love with whoever you want, but also please the person who doesnââ¬â¢t approve because you love them too, in a different way, of course. We will write a custom essay sample on ââ¬Å"What I Saw and How I Liedâ⬠or any similar topic only for you Order Now Deception also comes into play when it comes to the game love. When in love with someone the feelings should be mutual, if there is no mutuality then one of the two people in the relationship is being deceived. In all it only leads to constant deception and heart ache. Thereââ¬â¢s a very true and popular saying; ââ¬Å"growing up is hard to do. â⬠In life as we grow older we all have obstacles we have to face. Whether itââ¬â¢s getting along with your mom or trying to fit in, thatââ¬â¢s just two examples out of thousands, these obstacles are not meant to torment you but only to prepare you for life in general and the many more obstacles to come.When it comes to figuring out who you are itââ¬â¢s just one of the hurdles on the track of life you have to jump and hope you donââ¬â¢t have to try again, but if you do you will. When you clear the jump, finally figuring out who you are there is a sense of completion and just another step to success in your life. Evie a fifteen year old girl, the main character, felt she was growing up the only thing stopping her was her mother, she felt as if her mother wasnââ¬â¢t allowing her to grow up.Evieââ¬â¢s mother wouldnââ¬â¢t do anything to give Evie a sense of growing up, she wouldnââ¬â¢t buy the kind of clothes girls her age wore, she wouldnââ¬â¢t let her wear her hair the way she wanted, and she certainly didnââ¬â¢t let her date boys. On the contrary though, Evie was determined to prove she was grown up she felt that to appear grown up you had to start with your physical appearance. ââ¬Å"I want to wear lipstick. â⬠Her mother was just as determined to prove to her that Evie shouldnââ¬â¢t want to row up too fast. ââ¬Å"Donââ¬â¢t be in such a hurry to grow up, baby. â⬠Evie knew it was going to be hard to prove to her mom, let alone herself, that she wasnââ¬â¢t a little girl anymore. Little did they both know Evie was going to a lot of growing up on their spontaneous trip to Palm Springs, Florida. Evie was very excited for their getaway, she thought this was her chance to prove she was grown up. Her plan to prove it to them was to show she could handle a relationship, but in all reality she couldnââ¬â¢t.Evie met a man name Peter and she fell in love with him, although it was forbidden. He was too old for her, and in her motherââ¬â¢s opinion she was too young to date. In addition, her step-father didnââ¬â¢t like him because they had some bad history together when they were in World War II together. Throughout the story Evie and Peter continue their forbidden relationship, meanwhile Peter is also having an affair with Evieââ¬â¢s mother. ââ¬Å"You lied, you told me you loved me!â⬠¦ Mom, you knew the whole time! This is where the deception comes in, not only was Evie being deceived by her own mother but by the man she thought loved her. The whole time Evie thought she was discovering maturity and love but in all actuality she discovered deception and betrayal. Sure deception and betrayal will make you do a little growing up, but only by getting rid of your naivety. Growing up should be a treasured part of life not tragic. For Evie becoming a mature young adult was tragic. She never learned what true love is, to be faithful and devoted to one another.The only good thing Evie learned is who she is, she figured out that she shouldnââ¬â¢t trust every new person that comes into her life with her feelings. In closing love, deceit, growing up, and figuring out who you are in life is hard, but theyââ¬â¢re part of life and everybody goes through it. Although we all go through life differently, itââ¬â¢s still life, we have no choice but to go through it. We choose who we love and trust and the choices we make determine how far we go in life. The question is why does life have to be so challenging? How to cite ââ¬Å"What I Saw and How I Liedâ⬠, Papers
Friday, April 24, 2020
Response to Filipino Paintings free essay sample
Across the Spoliarium is the stunning painting by Hildalgo of The Assassination of General Bustamante and His Son. The painting depicts the murder of the governor in the hands of the friars and supporters and it was also inspired by true to life took place in Manila, year 1717. Thereââ¬â¢s also a whole room filled with Fernando Amorsolos sketches, paintings and memorabilia. At the center of the room is the Jose Ruiz Kariton Kathedral- a contemporary artwork representing the church and the reality faced by the faithful. The museumââ¬â¢s visual arts collection extends to the galleries on the second floor. It is in this exhibit hall where visitors view sample works of pre-war artists like Simon Flores, Fabian de la Rosa, Dominador Castaneda, Diosdado Lorenzo, and Felix Martinez. Together they are displayed side-by side with the works of contemporary artists like Nunelucio Alvarado, Nena Saguil, Romeo Tabuena, Jaime De Guzman, and Julie Lluch. We will write a custom essay sample on Response to Filipino Paintings or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These artworks show us the creativity of Filipino and we can also see the life of the Filipino have in the Philippines as every point of it tells history. Rizal interpreted the Spoliarium as a symbol of our social, moral, and political life. And so do other paintings, humanity unredeemed, reason and aspiration. Through these paintings, we can see the countryââ¬â¢s norms before where many Filipino were slaved and murdered brutally. Comparing for todayââ¬â¢sââ¬â¢ where life has an importance. To conclude, these works of art has continued to move direction in terms of innovation, since art is functional. The artists behind those paintings help our country to be known by their creativity and imagination giving us enhancements and emotions. It brings positive outcome to children and especially on students like us, motivating us to rediscover, to be eager on history of the Philippines, and to recognize well our own artists.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Odds vs Plath
Odds vs Plath Brereton 1In American society, the common stereotype is that the father has the role of the dominant figure in the household. The father-daughter relationship in male-dominated family structure is critical because the absence of a father has a negative impact on the daughter. Sylvia Plath and Sharon Olds may come across as two seemingly different poets; however, they are quite similar, especially in their driving forces behind their writing styles in poetry. The lives of Plath and Olds are both expressive of the realities of a father-dominated family, in which both of these poets lost their fathers at a young age. This is significant because both poets have faced a similar traumatic event that has had everlasting effects on their adult womanhood, which is reflected in their writings. The poems that best support this argument are Plath's, "Colossus", "Daddy" and Old's, "My Father Speaks To Me From The Dead".English: Grave of Sylvia Plath The grave of poet S...For both these woman, the ir accesses to father-daughter relationships were denied based on life circumstances. Ironically, their fathers were their muses for writing and are what made them the women they are today.Plath is categorized as a poet that touches upon the highs and struggles of her life growing up, such as the tragic loss of her father, which is reflected within her work. Plath comes across as a poet that is depressed, victimization, dark thoughts and negative energy full of anger and rage. Plath was confused and angry about her father's death. Plath never had a chance to mourn the loss of her father in the stages of grief. It's almost as if she goes back and forth from denial isolation, anger, bargaining, and depression. She almost reaches the peak of acceptance but never completely makes it past it. Plath constantly expresses her hate for why her...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
How Chemical Hand Warmers Work
How Chemical Hand Warmers Work If your fingers are cold or your muscles ache, you can use chemical hand warmers to heat them up. There are two types of chemical hand warmerà products, both using exothermic (heat-producing) chemical reactions. Here is how they work. Key Takeaways: Chemical Hand Warmers Chemical hand warmers rely on exothermic chemical reactions to release heat.There are two main types of chemical hand warmers. One type releases heat by air activation. The other type releases heat when a supersaturated solution crystallizes.Air-activated hand warmers are single use products. Chemical solution hand warmers are re-usable. How Air Activated Hand Warmers Work Air-activated hand warmers are long-lasting chemical hand warmers that start working as soon as you unseal the packaging, exposing it to oxygen inââ¬â¹ theà air. The packets of chemicals produce heat from oxidizing iron into iron oxide (Fe2O3) or rust. Each packet contains iron,à cellulose (or sawdust to bulk up the product), water, vermiculite (serves as a water reservoir), activated carbon (distributes heat uniformly),à and salt (acts as a catalyst). This type of hand warmer produces heat anywhere from 1 to 10 hours. Its common to shake the packets to improve circulation, which speeds the reaction and increases the heat. Its possible to get a burn from direct contact between the hand warmer and skin, so the packaging warns users to put the product on theà outside a sock or glove and to keep the packets away from children, who could get burned more easily. Air-activated hand warmers cannot be re-used once they have stopped heating. How Chemical Solution Hand Warmers Work The other type of chemical hand warmer relies on crystallization of a supersaturated solution. The crystallization process releases heat. These hand warmers dont last as long (usually 20 minutes to 2 hours), but they are re-usable. The most common chemical inside this productà is a supersaturated solution of sodium acetate in water. The product is activated by flexing a small metal disk or strip, which acts as a nucleation surface for crystal growth. Usually, the metal is stainless steel.à As the sodium acetate crystallizes, heat is released (up to 130 degrees Fahrenheit). The product can be recharged by heating the pad in boilingà water, which dissolves the crystals back into the small amount of water. Once the package cools, it is ready to use again. Sodium acetate is a food-grade, non-toxic chemical, but other chemicals can be used. Some chemical hand warmers use supersaturated calcium nitrate, which is also safe. Other Types of Hand Warmers In addition to chemical hand warmers, you can get battery-operated hand warmers and also products that work by burning lighter fluid or charcoal inside special cases. All of the products are effective. Which you choose depends on the temperature you want, how long you need the heat to last, and whether you need to be able to re-charge the product. How to Make a Chemical Hand Warmer Its easy to make a DIY hand warmer using iron, salt, and water in a plastic bag. Materials Iron filingsSalt (sodium chloride)Warm (not hot) waterSand, sawdust, vermiculite, or sodium polyacrylate gelZip-top plastic bags Procedure In a small zip-top bag, mix 1-1/2 tablespoons iron filings, 1-1/1 tablespoons salt, 1-1/2 tablespoons sand (or other absorbent material), and 1-1/2 tablespoons warm water.Squeeze the air out of the plastic bag and seal it.Its a good idea to place the bag of chemical inside another bag, remove the excess air, and seal it.Shake or squeeze the content of the bag for about 30 seconds to mix the contents and form a slush. The bag will get hot and will remain hot as long as the chemical reaction proceeds. If the bag gets too hot to hold, set it down. Dont get burned! Another option is to wrap the bag in a sock or towel. This is an air-activated hand warmer. Even though most of the air is squeezed out, enough remains in the bag for the oxidation reaction. If you closely examine the contents of the bag after the reaction is complete, youll see the iron has changed into iron oxide or rust. This type of reaction cannot be reversed unless energy is added, so the hand warmer cannot be re-used. If you want to prepare a homemade hand warmer for later use, keep the salt and water separate from the iron and filler until youre ready for the reaction to occur.
Friday, February 14, 2020
The Colonial southeast Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words
The Colonial southeast - Term Paper Example These periods are the archaic period, the woodland period and the Mississippian period. The archaic period in Louisiana was home to the most primitive mound complex in North America. It was also one of the earliest dated complex constructions in Americas Watson Brake site near Monroe. Furthermore, the woodland period is measured as the poverty point culture. This culture was trailed by the Lake Cormorant cultures of the Tchula period. In addition, the Mississippian period was linked enormously with agricultural practices. In this era, there was the adoption of maize agriculture (Usner 8). Diplomatic history deals with the account of international relations involving states. The diplomatic research tends to be more concerned with the diplomatic age in different countries. The prehistoric study of Louisiana shows that the state was populated by Native Americans who are primarily from the Indian ancestry (Usner 77). The Native Americans lived there for many millennia prior to the influx of the Europeans in the 16th century. The history of Louisiana and the golf South is loaded and quite extensive. ... According to a timeline published by researchers, this state has a number of negotiations which were performed between Louisiana and other states. A succinct outline of the events shows that Louisiana was involved in various issues, negotiations, and treaties with numerous countries. An overview of these events reveals that, in 1783, Louisiana signed a treaty with Paris. In 1786, there was the construction of the first American golf course that was situated in Charleston, South Carolina. Delaware became declared to the American union in 1787. Furthermore, in 1788, more states including Georgia, Maryland, Virginia and South Carolina were also admitted to the American union. In 1789, the U.S. constitution was authorized, and the North Carolina state was also assimilated to the American union. The constitution in America is a document that embodies basic principles that provide guidelines of how to conduct certain aspects in the American republic. The signature on the constitutional doc uments was appended on 17 Sept, 1787 and later approved by nine countries in 21 June, 1788. Moving on to 1791, we get to learn that the Bank of the United States formed Hamiltonââ¬â¢s financial plan that was endorsed as his second element. This led to the debut of a constitutional debate between Jefferson and Hamilton in the same year. Additionally, the Bill of Rights was approved by the member states of the union in this same year. Other states owned up to the American union including Tennessee (1796) and Kentucky (1792). In addition, Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin (1793), whereas, in Virginia, the Mint Julep was invented four years subsequent to Eliââ¬â¢s invention. The last outstanding historical happening
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Summary and Critical Response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Summary and Critical Response - Assignment Example Some skills are learnt in these workplaces, Etzioni claims, but they are often not a good example. Money earned in these jobs is spent by teens to support themselves, in poorer areas, or saved for a major item, but more often it is used to buy trend items, with little lasting value, according to Etzioni. He concludes the article by advising balance in activities for teenagers, so that the desire to earn money does not prevent a well-rounded educational process. (199 words) Critical Response to the article ââ¬Å"Working at McDonaldââ¬â¢sâ⬠by Amitai Etzioni Amitai Etzioni in the article ââ¬Å"â⬠Working at McDonaldââ¬â¢sâ⬠examines the phenomenon of teen employment in the United States. The writerââ¬â¢s central claim is that the kind of employment that is offered to teens, and their widespread joining of such employment, is becoming a problem due to the inappropriate nature of the jobs they are able to get. At the outset, the writer acknowledges that very few scientific studies have been carried out to examine the nature of jobs at places such as fast-food outlets. This concession may strengthen the argument presented, because it suggests that the writer is going to persuade the reader with logical argument based on personal observations. A point of view is going to be proposed, for the audience to be convinced by. On the other hand, it may weaken the argument, in that not enough scientifically proven fact exists to strengthen what is being claimed. The latter is true. This article presents an almost entirely personal point-of-view, and generalizations so wide that the reader would have to question even the most simple of Etzioniââ¬â¢s claims. An important example of generalization is that there are more traditional teen jobs, which are much better for young people than current ones. The claim is that the traditional lemonade stands, which teach the value of entrepreneurship, and paper routes, to learn the skills of hard work and regu lar, good service fit into the American work ethic better than jobs currently(according to the writer). Not only is it a generalization to propose that every youngster in the past benefited from these ââ¬Å"wholesomeâ⬠jobs, it is also an appeal to the emotions of Americans, generally, in that the writer presumes that everyone believes that the old way of life in the USA was better than the current one. Other generalizations follow: that all teenagers with very few exceptions spend their money unwisely; that most fast-food outlets are poorly managed and do not allow for the employee to take initiative; that all teenagersââ¬â¢ school education is badly affected by part-time work. Added to these sweeping statements, the writer also appeals to the readerââ¬â¢s emotions, and exaggerates the actual conditions of work for teens. He uses negative terms such as ââ¬Å"pot partyâ⬠to describe these workplaces. Any parent would not be happy with the possibility that a childâ â¬â¢s place of work could be described in this way. Etzioni further proposes that the kind of work available to teenagers causes the continued poverty of sections of the American population: ââ¬Å"
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Pagoda Restaurant Essay -- Chinese China Food Essays
The Pagoda Restaurant Chinese food is very famous around the world. Almost every country has Chinese food restaurants. Almost all the people like Chinese food including people in the US. Today, there are many Chinese food restaurants in the US. The Pagoda restaurant is the one of the Chinese food restaurants in the US. It provides variety of Chinese food. In order to inform people about the restaurant, the Pagoda restaurant creates some advertisements like brochures and a website. The word ââ¬Å"Pagodaâ⬠came from China. In China, Pagoda is the place for worship. The Pagoda restaurant has been around since 1961, after the Hun family emigrated from China to the United States in the early 1900's. The founder of the Pagoda, Hun, had a dream to share some of his customs and traditions with those in the west. Creating this restaurant was the ideal way to do so, since his family was known for their excellent cooking skills. On September 17 of 1961, his dream became a reality when finally he opened the Pagoda restaurant to the public. From the start, the Pagoda restaurant has been a Chinese dinning sensation. The atmosphere is cozy and relaxing and depicts images of Hun as well as other Chinese history. The traditional red and golden colors are used to create an ambiance that is unmistakably Asian. ââ¬Å"Co-operation is the forceâ⬠is the Pagoda restaurantââ¬â¢s philosophy. A group is stronger than an individual. In other words, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Those who can become team players will benefit from Pagoda's policy of promoting from within. The Pagoda restaurant offers everyone equal opportunity to maximize their talents and to be promoted to positions of responsibility and even to a managing partnership. Ever... and reach the Pagoda restaurant easily. In conclusion, the Pagoda restaurant is one of the Chinese food restaurants in the US. It was established by Hun who wanted to share his customs and traditions to those in the west. The Pagoda offers everyone equal opportunity to maximize their talents and to be promoted to positions of responsibility and even to a managing partnership. The restaurant consists of two floors with a unique and attractive shape, like the Pagoda in China. It is located in a strategic place, near highway 35 and between City of Ames and Des Moines. It serves the customers by walk-in and reservation. The restaurant offers many choices of appetizers, soups, entrees, house specialties and special diet menu. Finally, it provides a website and brochures in order to advertise and to give more information about the restaurant to the customers.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Candyââ¬â¢s Dog being shot dead Essay
I believe that Candyââ¬â¢s dog being shot dead is one of the most important parts of the novel and should definitely be included in a film version. In this scene Carlson starts moaning about how much Candyââ¬â¢s old dog smells. He then suggests that Candy should shoot him and even offers to do it himself. But it is the things that Carlson says in order to justify himself that are important for the readers because it helps us to see why George decided to do what he did at the end of the book. For example, when Carlson says, ââ¬Å"This old dog, just suffers hisself all the time,â⬠and ââ¬Å"you aint been kind to him, keeping him alive,â⬠when he is trying to convince Candy that it is almost cruel to make him live life any longer. Carlson also describes how Candy could kill the dog in a quick, humane way. He says, ââ¬Å"shoot him right in the back of the head ââ¬â heââ¬â¢d never know what hit him. â⬠This is particularly important because George kills Lennie in this exact way. It is where he got the idea that ââ¬Ëmercy killingââ¬â¢ was even an option. Slim is then asked to give his opinion and he agrees with Carlson saying, ââ¬Å"That dog aint no good to himself. â⬠As Slim is the only person on the ranch to have natural authority, and his ââ¬Å"opinions were law. â⬠Candy reluctantly agrees to let Carlson shoot his dog. If this scene was left out we would not understand why George would even consider killing Lennie and we would get the impression that George carried it out in cold blood and did not care. The scene should be set in a dimly lit, dark setting. The darkness would help to emphasize the end of life. Carlson should be talking abruptly and quickly showing that he is not thinking about Candyââ¬â¢s feelings and is unaware of how much the dog means to Candy. Slim in contrast should be taking is time over his speech, showing that he wants this to be as painless as it can be for Candy. He shows that he cares when he instructs Carlson to ââ¬Å"take a shovel,â⬠so that he can bury the dog so Candy wont have to see his dog in the morning. The Fight Scene Another important scene is the fight between Curley and Lennie. In this scene Curley has just accused Slim of being with his wife and in return Slim shouts back at him. Carlson and Candy take advantage of the situation by insulting Curley. Curley feels degraded and wants to take it out on someone. Lennie is there and is the perfect person because Curley being small always feels as though he has something to prove and a ââ¬Ëreal chip on his shoulderââ¬â¢ towards bigger guys. Lennie is smiling at the thought of the dream of living ââ¬Ëoff the fat of the landââ¬â¢ and Curley uses it as an opportunity to pick a fight. He says, ââ¬Å"What the hell you laughinââ¬â¢ at? â⬠and punches Lennies face making his nose bleed. Lennie is described as being ââ¬Ëtoo frightened to defend himself. â⬠But under the instruction of George, Lennie grabs Curleyââ¬â¢s hand and cannot let go, even with George slapping him round the face telling him to. Lennie feels guilty afterwards and he shows it when he says, ââ¬Å"I didnââ¬â¢t wanta hurt him,â⬠and ââ¬Å"I didnââ¬â¢t mean no harm. â⬠It is this scene that enables us to see the extent of Lennieââ¬â¢s strength and how dangerous it can be when combined with such a simple mind. The scene gives us a clue towards the main plot. Without this scene we would not realise what a true accident Curleyââ¬â¢s wifeââ¬â¢s death was and the reader would not feel as sorry for Lennie as they do. It would make the ending much less effective.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
My First Year Of University Of Economics - 969 Words
not afraid of doing business with anyone no matter what their position is. I realized that all those people are exactly that ââ¬â people, and that there was nothing I should be afraid of. In the summer of 2013, right after I completed my first year of studies at the University of Economics, I gave it another try to apply for a visitor visa for the third time. Because of the good grades at the University and my community service, this time I got my visa and a chance to spend time with my cousins in the U.S. After some time spent in New York, being aware of my familyââ¬â¢s financial situation, my cousin unselfishly offered me to try enroll me in a college in the U.S. I was stunned. Not only that studying in the worldââ¬â¢s financial capital was something I could only dream of, but it could also eventually be my familyââ¬â¢s way out of the poverty. We agreed on that her husband and she would cover all of my living costs but I would have to try get a scholarship to cover my tuition. In return, I would have to take care of my nephew whenever I wasnââ¬â¢t in school. Next few months Iââ¬â¢ve spent studying for SAT and TOEFL exams which I successfully passed an d got enrolled at LaGuardia Community College. Meanwhile, I volunteered with New York Cares whenever I had free time on projects such as library renovation or food serving to homeless. It took a year to find the college which fits me the best, apply for it, submit required paperwork, and pass all the tests which is what made me a non-traditionalShow MoreRelatedWhen Senior Year Came Up994 Words à |à 4 PagesThen senior year came up. Since I loved California and since I didn t want my parents to pay for the extra out-of-state tuition, I decided to apply to in-state (California) schools, such as Universities of California, California State Universities, and Private Universities. As I was applying to colleges, I decided to apply as a Statistics major. 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